
Monday, July 23, 2012

14. Burgos to Boadilla del Camino 20/7/12

I had a coffee in the plaza with Julia before heading off on my bike.  It was a hot day and everything was brown and dry on the majority of this day’s ride.  There were a few cyclists that I rode with for some of the time - but then I'd see walkers I knew so would ride beside them to chat and hear their stories.

Most of the way was on a gravelly dirt road so in the last part of the day when I saw a tree lined small road I decided to take this. 

The scenery changed at the end when there were lots and lots of fields of sunflowers. 

Arrivng at the albergue En El Camino was a treat as they had green grass and a swimming pool and two lovely Spanish guys running the place.  I couldn’t wait to shower and sit on the grass with a cold beer.  We all ate dinner together and it’s the best pilgrim dinner I’ve had so far.  The chick pea and ham soup was devine as was the chicken main course.  I had a few wines and a lot of laughs with the Irish couple sitting opposite me and was so tired I had to go to bed at 9.30 when it was still daylight.

This was the typical brown scenery- I walked my bike down this
but know that Jeff would have loved flying down this gravelly hill.

We sometimes had to share the path with big machinery

Stopped to have a drink and fill up the water bottles at the 'agua fontain' (that's the water fountain you can see in this photo with the cock on top).  These are great as they have them throughout Spain - the fountains that is.

These are the signs we follow along the Camino - yellow arrows or a yellow shell.

This was a good place to stop for a beer and to get out of the heat for a rest

I diverted from the Camino to take this tree-lined road

I stopped at a bar in the early afternoon. I didn't know what the people were drinking in the garden but I pointed at their drinks and it was a Martini Rosso - that's my new afternoon drink as it's refreshing and a change from beer.

This little girl came and sat with me while I was having my drink and was chatting away in Spanish.
She must have thought I was an idiot as I had no idea what she was saying.

The lovely sunflowers - made a nice change from the brown scenery of the morning

The albergue I stayed at - I'm always on the hunt for one now that has a garden and green grass

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