
Thursday, July 5, 2012

1. On the Way - TL - Bali - Amsterdam - Pamplona 30/6/12 - 4/7/12

What a great week it's been:  Finished work on Friday 29th; leaving function Friday night; weekend in Bali with Jeff, Warren and Michael; a stopover for a day and a half in Amsterdam; and then last night I flew into Pamplona and arrived at the lovely Pension Sarasate - by bike.

The streets here are just gorgeous and I loved walking around looking at all the cafe menus to choose where I was going to eat.  Couldn't believe the good value - a bottle of red wine, bread, plate of olives, 3 course dinner - all  for 14 euros.  I bought my Camino passport at the Municipal Albergue so I'm all set to start my Camino.

Some things for me to remember to tell Jeff:
- My trolley accident in Amsterdam airport.  I had to have the bike box on it's end, instead of on it's side, so that I could get in and out the lifts and revolving doors etc. I had to look round the side to see where I was going but I did not see, till the last second, a short Muslim man who approached from the other side who was walking and drinking his coffee and also didn't see me. Fortunately, I didn't bowl him over with the trolley as I stopped just in the nick of time. Unfortunately, he ended up with my bike box on him as the sudden stop sent it flying.  Fortunately, his coffee was not spilled.  Unfortunately, he didn't accept my offer to buy him a new coffee - so although he said it was no problem I felt really bad  that I was violent towards one of the very few non-white people.
- How I biked proudly out of Pamplona Airport, having just put my bike together all by myself, and free wheeled down the first hill - only to find I was riding on the wrong side of the road.
- How I forgot my bike chain - even though it was at the top of my list.
- How the sales people I met in Amsterdam were so honest - hence I did not buy the 300-500 euro sleeping bag nor the 300 euro Active Shell Gortex Jacket (as the salesperson told me I didn't need the sleeping bag and my 50 cent plastic poncho would do for the rain) - and nor did I spend money getting my pannier glad-wrapped at the airport (as the guy said it wasn't worth it as the plastic would not protect the bits jutting out from my pannier).
- How I drank a bit too much wine in Amsterdam.
- How I forgot to give up smoking when I got to Pamplona (I decided it wasn't the start of my cycling trip until I got onto the Pyrenees).

Some pics:



At Pamplona Airport

It's nearly together

Done - except that the computer does not work and the staff at the information desk tell me my map is wrong and they think I should get a taxi to Pamplona!

My gorgeous room.  Seeing as I forgot the bike chain they let me bring the bike in my room which was great as this morning I woke early and did a bit of bike maintenance :) and even ended up making the computer work (much to my surprise).  I did all the things that the instructions said, to no avail, but then I just kept fiddling - and 'voil'  it worked.  

The room cost me 39 euros but because the Running of the Bulls starts tomorrow this room will be 180 euros a night for the next week.  

It's time to go and have coffee and a cig and psyche up for cycling the first part of the Pyrenees today.

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